Money Blog: Family Budget (Page 3)

Avoiding The Bad Credit Pitfalls

Avoiding The Bad Credit PitfallsBad credit can wreck your financial prospects. Actions you take years before your desired house, car or other purchase can come back to haunt you, given the long memories of lenders and credit companies. If you’re not clued up on your credit report, that’s fine. Many people aren’t, and they can seem complicated. Clearing your old debt is the first step to repairing your report, but there are... ❯❯❯

Comparing funeral plans

Before buying most goods and services you are likely to make comparisons. By comparing what’s on offer, you may decide whether certain choices match your particular needs and requirements, and you may judge the value for money obtained by comparing prices. Comparing funeral plans involves a similar process, but may be even more important because of the wide variety of plans available. So, what... ❯❯❯

Christmas Breaks in your 'van

There’s nothing better than a familiar Christmas at home. Much as we all say and believe that though, in practice, sometimes it’s nice to do something just a little bit different. Getting away over the holidays can make a nice change and give you the chance to have a more personal Noel than is possible if you’re back at home base and acting as the Master of Ceremonies. If you’re considering... ❯❯❯

Looking After Your Home

Buying a home is a huge investment, and common sense would dictate that we would look after that investment so that we are able to sell it succesfully in the future. Sadly, many people put off home maintenance – either out of lack of time, or lack of confidence in their ability to complete the jobs. This is a bad idea, as deferred home maintenance can lead to serious problems in the future. The... ❯❯❯

Ways to Come up with Cash Fast for an Unexpected Emergency

For anyone living on a strained budget, an unexpected expense like a home or a car repair, school tuition, or sickness can create a major setback. Life happens and unfortunately every now and then an emergency will come up that requires you to have access to cash quickly. The key is to get yourself on a budget so that when something needs replacing, you have the money in the bank to cover it. In... ❯❯❯

Taking a Vacation on a Budget

With the summer season coming to an end we are seeing people going back to work, school, and just life in general. With this time of year comes a slowdown in travel. That also means that airlines, hotels, and car rental agencies are clamoring for every piece of business they can find this time of year. Competing for customers is great news for all of you because it means savings are everywhere... ❯❯❯

Budgeting Effectively In Your 20s

Hitting your 20s almost always coincides with entering into the practical mainstream where a lot of realities are opened up to you as you try and cope with the plethora of new responsibilities. As much as everyone in their early 20s loves having gained control of their life, gotten independent and largely unanswerable to elders, it still comes with a lot of new challenges. One of the major ones... ❯❯❯

The Cost of Cosmetic Treatment Around the World

The Cost of Cosmetic Treatment Around the WorldCosmetic treatments are becoming increasingly popular as we all strive to look our best. From DIY facials at home to the ultimate in face and body makeovers offering tailor-made surgical options to nip and tuck in all the right places. Of course, looking good doesn’t necessarily mean cosmetic surgery, and nowadays there are new innovations coming to market all the time, blurring the lines... ❯❯❯

Why We Should get Dental Treatment Abroad?

Why We Should get Dental Treatment Abroad?In these days of austerity we’re all looking to save a little money where we can. When it comes to healthcare, including dentistry, it’s not always easy to make savings as most of the time your health isn’t a negotiable subject. It’s a fact that of those of us with insurance, most of us are woefully underinsured and would have large out-of-pocket expenses if we did develop any other dental... ❯❯❯

7 Ways to Reduce the Costs of Moving

7 Ways to Reduce the Costs of MovingMoving into a new home is always exciting for a family. No matter what the situation is, it is always fun to have something new to look forward too. And no matter the situation, moving is always expensive for any family. There are a lot of little costs of moving that many people do not think about until they are right in the middle of the process. It is important to not only be aware of these... ❯❯❯

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