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Soft credit checks can be a game-changer for anyone looking to take control of their financial future. They’re quick, harmless to your credit score, and a great way to assess your financial standing without repercussions. But how exactly do they fit into responsible financial management? If you’re looking to make smarter decisions about your finances, understanding soft credit... ❯❯❯
Credit scores play a significant role in our financial lives, impacting our ability to secure loans, obtain favourable interest rates, and even qualify for specific job opportunities or housing. Consequently, it's crucial to understand the factors that influence your credit score, including how applying for a new credit card can affect it. There is a strong relationship between applying for a new... ❯❯❯
There are three major credit bureaus in the United States: Equifax, TransUnion and Experian. Each one of these collects information about you when you apply for anything from loans to credit cards. To calculate your credit score, this information is collectively reviewed, and you’re given a number, or a rating, which is your credit score. This number typically ranges between 300-850, and the... ❯❯❯
Many people these days decide to apply for a credit card, and this is for a variety of reasons. Credit cards offer many benefits, and this includes greater ease and flexibility when it comes to making purchases. In addition to this, with more and more people now using plastic instead of cash, credit cards have become even more popular among people from all walks of life. If you are one of the... ❯❯❯
The year 2020 has been a challenging one for sure. We have all worried about our health and that of our loved ones as the coronavirus pandemic swept across the world. But there have been other troubles resulting from the pandemic, including financial ones. This year has brought job losses, reduced incomes and financially turbulent times for many people. Sadly, the pandemic is not yet over. This... ❯❯❯
Credit cards are easy to use, convenient, useful, and builds your credit score. However, there is a problem if you do not know how to use them wisely. They can pose monetary challenges if you keep buying stuff on credit without clearing the monthly dues regularly. If you do not have a fixed monthly income, then credit cards are not for you. If you choose to use it, make sure you clear all dues on... ❯❯❯
Credit cards are common anywhere in the world. All walks of life at one point in their life has seen one, or even use one in their life. For some, a credit card is an answer for their temporary cash need. For the others, they simply use credit cards to avail of its freebies and benefits offered.
Credit cards should be used properly. Failure to do so might stick you to a long fight to indebtedness... ❯❯❯
If you use credit cards on a regular basis, are you doing all you can to avoid criminals looking to make your life miserable? Unfortunately, credit card fraud remains a major problem in the U.S. (much of the world for that matter too). Despite protections put in by businesses, protections that many consumers use these days, criminals can still find a way to make life miserable for hard-working... ❯❯❯
It was premature based on the statistics available at the time, but back in 2006 our favorite financial family board game Monopoly made the switch to plastic over the bright colored bills we all grew up with. Mr. Moneybags decision to dump cash was an attempt to get with the times as 70% of adults shifted more purchases to plastic than they did before the millennium. Nearly ten years after the... ❯❯❯
The appeal of credit cards lies in the fact that it makes it easy to get just about anything you want. Fancy a new wristwatch? Just give your card, and it's all good. Love that new pair of shoes? Here you go. Swipe the card and you walk away with the shoes. All these are possible without spending cash. That is why it is so easy for many people to get into and continue to remain in debt. Your... ❯❯❯