Money Blog: Debt Management (Page 4)

Student Survivial Guide: How to Avoid Debt

Being a student is not easy and within your first year you soon establish the importance of managing your money. Whilst banks offer out interest free overdrafts and grants are often provided to some, it is important to plan and manage your finances throughout the year. While the student loan just about covers rent and a proportion of living expenses, many students have to seek other foundations... ❯❯❯

How to Access Cash Quickly if You’re in a Pinch

Note: This is an advertorial by MYJAR You can never tell when you’re going to find yourself in a pinch. Whether it’s finding yourself in some kind of accident involving great personal injury or your roof caving in at home and needing some rapid-response repair. If you’re in a pinch as a result of the aforementioned scenarios or similar (or worse) you may be asking yourself this question: what... ❯❯❯

Why You Shouldn’t Ditch Your Debt Management Plan

Dealing with debt is never easy. At first, when you set up a debt management plan, you’ll be spurred on by a sense of excitement and relief: you’re taking action, and you can see a light at the end of the tunnel! Over time, the reality of living on a budget may kick in and make you feel miserable. Your circumstances may change, and you might find yourself more strapped for cash. In time, you... ❯❯❯

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